30 September 2023

Poems, Prayers & Promises

 Life is all about Poems, Prayers & Promises

Poems are all about the moments and the feelings you experience with various other people, places, and objects. These are expressed outward as art, music, literature, etc. Sadly, the modern world stores these moments through various digital methods but only a little expression from within. Poems are what you live for and probably die for. It is best said in the words of John Keating from Dead Poets Society - "But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for."  

Prayers are neither holy nor spiritual. Our prayers are all our actions in dedication to pursue our heartening moments. One can only pray for the fulfillment of their goals but cannot be deterministic about the score.

Promises are the sacrifices you give up for yourself and others. This is about the responsibility you shoulder unconditionally. It is only a promise if it is hard to keep. These promises could also be part of your prayers for which the score is not deterministic.

Poems inspire you to live and give you the courage to Pray while keeping hard Promises.

I don't know what John Denver meant, but I see this in Poems, Prayers & Promises.

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